A new batch of Analog Devices synthesiser chips has arrived, enabling me to finish populating one circuit board with components. I programmed the PIC MCU via the bootloader with my latest v2.00 code and, after powering up the board, all seems to be working fine.
I am English, 1953 model; received my education at grammar school and London university. Professionally I was employed in the telecommunications sector by a large British company. I left the UK in 1993 to live in Poland. I then became self-employed as a freelance consultant working globally in the mobile phone network industry. My life-long enthusiasm for electronics and radio-communications began during my childhood and led to my hobbies of amateur radio and electronics. I obtained my first amateur radio license in 1971, and am 'on the air' regularly, using frequency bands from 136KHz to 432MHz. I enjoy equally operating my radio station and the technical and practical side of designing and building my own equipment. If there is still time, I like to capture images of the earth from orbiting weather satellites. Let me share my wonderful hobbies with you.
Welcome to my blog !
- Steve, the 'Radioworm & Globetrekker'.