The blog of a dedicated radio amateur and electronics enthusiast

"Having fun on the air and in the workshop - communicating and creating"

01 July 2014

ARM - Advanced Reduced instruction set Microcontroller

Having used 8bit devices, ( PIC16f/18f, Atmega328 ), for several years, I shall be taking my future projects with embedded control to the next level with ARM Cortex-M3 core architecture 32bit processors. I have bought two ARM development boards, each having the 20 pin JTAG interface but a different processor from the STM32 family. Being so cheap these boards are ideal for the electronics hobbyist wanting to develop some really amazing hi-tech applications. I have downloaded two IDE's, ( Integrated Development Environment ), to try; emIDE and Keil uVision4. I also have the Segger J-Link, JTAG compatible, programmer and debugger, ( not shown in the pic below ).
That completes my preparations. Now I just have to think of a project to work on during the long winter evenings to come.
STM32F207VCT6 (l) and STM32F103RBT6 (r) ARM development boards