The blog of a dedicated radio amateur and electronics enthusiast

"Having fun on the air and in the workshop - communicating and creating"

27 March 2025

More features for DdsModTerm software

🔘I have added some important new functionality to my DDS programming software, "DdsModTerm", ( see 📅31 December 2024 ); updated to version 1.0.0.rev16. It is now possible to generate audio 👂frequencies, as well as program the AD9850 and AD9851 DDS chips, using one application. For example, the 'Phasing Exciter' ( see 'featured post' in side-bar, 📅 02.11.2017 & 23.12.2024 ) requires both audio frequencies (👂AF) and radio frequencies (📻RF). So having the same software able to generate both is very convenient while carrying out testing, alignment, and repair tasks. This has required some changes to the lower half of the program window, (see image below, click to enlarge, compare with 📅 31.12.2024).

Audio tones can be generated from the lower-right panel 
The audio 👂 tones are produced entirely independently of the DDS. Free downloads of audio .wav files are available online. I chose files of single frequency sine-waves ∿; 1200Hz, 1400Hz, 1500Hz & 1600Hz being best suited to the data transmission modes I use on the 472-479KHz amateur band. I imported these files  as resources into the DdsModTerm software, and wrote some code so that the tones are played back through the 💻 pc sound-card 🔊by clicking the appropriate button. The individual .wav files are quite small ( about 1.3Mb ) and playback duration ⏳is only 15 seconds. I added a second progress bar to track the playback, and a button to play back in a continuous loop, if preferred.
While the software was being revised, this opportunity was also used to calculate another pair of alias frequencies  ( for 2 x 🕒clock ), and make some minor cosmetic changes to the window's appearance.🔘

Free .wav files downloaded from 🔗 OnLineSound  with thanks.
DDS = Direct Digital Synthesiser
AD9850 & AD9851 are Analog Devices Inc. parts.