The blog of a dedicated radio amateur and electronics enthusiast

"Having fun on the air and in the workshop - communicating and creating"

08 February 2011

PC talks to PIC projects

Today I built a CMOS/TTL to RS-232 level converter using a Texas Instruments part, MAX232N, driver/receiver chip in a 16pin DIP package. Now, provided that the PIC is self-programmable, ( which indeed my PIC18F4550 is ), it will be possible to connect my PIC applications/firmware to a PC serial ( com ) port, or via a USB (*) adaptor.The purpose of this interface between PC and PIC is, ( after making a bootblock in the program memory ), to use a bootloader so that a PC can read, write, verify, modify etc the PIC's software; or software updates downloaded from the web can be installed by a user anywhere.
The schematic and track layout for a double-sided 2.1 x 1.6 inch circuit board show the MAX232 in a 16pin SOIC package.
(*) Although I am usually 'game' for a challenge, I have put on hold indefinately any of my attempts to make a USB interface.

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