The new antenna for longwave, mentioned last time, radiates. I have been making some test transmissions on 137.7KHz and these transmissions have been received by Jacek, callsign SQ5BPF, on the other side of Warsaw. The screen capture below shows how he saw my signal on his 'lf grabber'. Incidentally, he could also hear it.
So now I have a reference signal with which to compare future signals as I make improvements to the antenna installation; the aim being to make the signal stronger and the signal trace white rather than the orange colour it is now. Losses in the system have to be reduced. To achieve this, I shall start by burying more copper in the garden. This will be a very labour intensive and time consuming activity. I shall probably be eaten alive by mosquitos before completion ! I hope to report total success in the near future - if I survive the ordeal.