Having a lot of spare time recently has enabled me to progress with some unfinished PIC MCU related activities. For the first time I have been writing code in 'C' language and programming PIC MCUs using Microchip's MPLABX IDE and ICD3. So far I can write characters to a display, and also detect when any button on a particular row of a keypad has been pushed; all quite encouraging. But I still have much more programming to do in order to complete even the quite basic operation of keying-in and displaying numerical data.
I have also been experimenting with software, ( assembly language in this case ), to detect disconnecting the power source from a PIC microcontroller, ( PIC18LF4455 ). A variable low voltage power supply would be very useful here.
And finally, from a most unexpected source, I have obtained cut and engraved black plexi front and rear panels for the frequency synthesiser enclosure.
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