The blog of a dedicated radio amateur and electronics enthusiast

"Having fun on the air and in the workshop - communicating and creating"

24 July 2021

Sending soil moisture data to ThingSpeak

My post on 8 June mentioned how I am using Ubidots with the Soil Moisture Meter to save and display measurement data on the cloud.
ThingSpeak™ is another such platform and, like Ubidots, there is a function node available for it in Node-RED which I added to an existing flow, making sending data to ThingSpeak very easy. 
I created a ThingSpeak channel called 'Soil Moisture', to receive and display the data. I have opened the channel to the public. So anyone can view the data by visiting ThingSpeak , then 'Channels' from the navigation bar, search for User ID 'SpacerLabs', and open channel 'Soil Moisture'. I invite anyone to 'export recent data' or 'add a comment' ; a ThingSpeak account is required for the latter.

My ThingSpeak channel 'Soil Moisture' displaying moisture data
Each channel can have up to 8 fields in use to hold any kind of data related to the particular application. I am using only 'Field 1' and 'Field 2' at the moment to hold the moisture measurement numerical value, and packet number respectively.
There will be a break in the hourly updated data if I don't have Node-RED activated; also the situation when using Ubidots.
More 'SpacerLabs' channels and sensors could be added in future. 

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